Visit the website for our parish Antiochian Woman by clicking on the link below:
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Antiochian Women organization
seeks to foster among women throughout the Antiochian Archdiocese a genuine expression of love and service through works of charity. Our aim is that through service and care for others we will know each other more deeply and build stronger communities. We desire to grow in connection to God as well as to those He places in our Parish, our homes and our lives.

The Antiochian Women's Ministry hosts and organizes many events throughout the year for the Parish. We recently started some home group studies for fellowship, along with a sewing group. We meet at least monthly for conversation and activities. Shown above was a retreat for women led by one of our members Aimee Colyer

All women from 18 years old on are welcome and invited to come to meetings and events hosted by this group. You do not have to be a member of the Parish to attend. For more information please contact the group's President, Sh. Margaret Ashton.