Ministry Teams
We are delighted to have you join our community. At St. Luke, we believe in the power of faith, fellowship, and service. Our ministries are dedicated to supporting and nurturing your spiritual journey, providing you with opportunities to grow in your faith, build meaningful relationships, and serve others.
Our choir is a vital and uplifting part of our worship experience. Through the beautiful and ancient tradition of Orthodox liturgical music, our choir enhances the spiritual atmosphere of our services, leading the congregation in hymns and chants that glorify God.
The International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is a global humanitarian organization committed to providing emergency relief, sustainable development, and support for communities in need around the world. Guided by Orthodox Christian values, IOCC responds to crises with compassion, dignity, and respect for all individuals.
St. Tabitha's Guild
St. Tabitha's Guild exists for the purpose of parish members who are willing to use their crafting skills (particularly sewing) to minister to others and beautify the worship of God. Inspired by the example of St. Tabitha, a woman of the early Church known for her good works and acts of charity, members of the guild create handmade items for those in need, both within our community and beyond.
Lift Up Uganda
Lift Up Uganda is a mission-driven initiative dedicated to improving the lives of communities in Uganda through sustainable development, education, healthcare, and spiritual growth. By partnering with local leaders and organizations, we work to address pressing needs and create lasting change.
Orthodox Christians for Life
Orthodox Christians for Life is a ministry dedicated to upholding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Guided by the teachings of the Orthodox Church, we advocate for the protection and dignity of all human life, offering support, education, and compassionate care to those facing life-affirming decisions.
Food for Hungry People
Food for Hungry People is an Orthodox Christian initiative dedicated to addressing hunger and food insecurity within our communities and around the world. Inspired by the teachings of Christ, we strive to provide nutritious food and essential resources to those in need, embodying the love and compassion of our faith.
Teen SOYO (Syrian Orthodox Youth Organization) is a vibrant and engaging ministry for teenagers within the Antiochian Orthodox Church. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment where teens can explore their faith, build lasting friendships, and actively participate in the life of the Church.
Community Outreach
Lakota Outreach
Each Christmas St. Luke supports an Outreach for the Lakota on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota The SGU, Tiwahe Blu Kini Pi (Bringing the Family Back to Life), organization puts together Care Coordination bags for needy families on the Reservation. These bags of basic cleaning supplies, coats, boots, puzzles and games, etc enable families to enjoy a meaningful and joyful Christmas.
Sister Carmen Community Center
St. Luke members partner with Sister Carmen Community Center to provide essential services to the residents of Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, and Erie.
These services include access to nutritious food and hygiene items, ensuring that members of the community have basic necessities they need.
Erie Food Bank
In collaboration with Erie Food Bank, St. Luke Church helps in distributing non-perishable food items, toiletries and cleaning supplies to economically disadvantaged residents of Erie.
Meals of Hope
Meals of Hope address hunger problems locally and nationally. On March 29 St. Luke Church will partner with Meals of Hope and other Orthodox churches in Colorado to assemble 35,000 meals for hungry people. If you are interested in helping please contact Steve Knudtsen.
Other Ways to Serve
There are many ways to serve in our church, giving time, talent, and resources. Some of these ministries are choir, chanters, ushers, readers, fellowship & welcoming hospitality, teaching, baking or cooking, outside and inside care of our building and grounds, help with services, office, our Bookstore, and administration.
Basket Girls
Holy Bread
Building Maintenance
Christmas Decorating
Coffee Hour
Midweek Meals
Flowers and Supplies
Epistle Reading
Meals of Mercy
Myrrhbearers Prayer Group
Local Outreach
International Outreach
Sunday School/Youth
Temple Cleaning
Welcome Group
The Good Samaritan Project
The mission of The Good Samaritan Project is to energize the Colorado Rocky Mountain Orthodox community to serve our brothers and sisters in need, consistent with Christ's call to love in deed and truth (1 John 3:18). The ministries the Good Samaritan Project supports are diverse; examples are Meals of Hope, Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center and The Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Center. If you are interested in working with The Good Samaritan Project, please contact Steve Knudtsen or Dn. Mark O'Dell.
Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord.
ROMANS 12:11